I get to decide that

> My Successes <

  1. with my value of partnership, as a result joined the committee. By participating, joining the club, sharing support, having fun and contributing.
  2. with my value of self-loyalty, as a result stayed calm. By being frustrated about her feedback, identifying my automatic mode, identifying my ego, breathing in/out, being loyal to me, making no fuss and speaking up.
  3. with my value of love, as a result being the light. By making my day great, being the light, enjoying my lightness, loving myself and being grateful. 
  4. with my value of partnership, as a result shared support. By taking action, teaching, sharing support, listening, sharing feedback and appreciating her support.
  5. with my value of determination, as a result shared support. By taking action, committing, sharing support, promising, making it right and sharing feedback.
  6. with my value of clarification of expectation, as a result clarified and set our appointment. By taking action, setting my goal, clarifying, creating clarity, communicating, making it work and setting our appointment.
  7. with my value of proud, as a result acknowledged myself. By appreciating my determination, being proud of myself, taking action, achieving my wanted result, creating partnership & cooperation, making friends and evolving.
  8. with my value of love, as a result changed the setting. By taking action, doing it out of my comfort zone, changing the setting, being a happy bear and loving the new setting.
  9. with my value of clarification of expectation, as a result tested and set. By taking action, testing the parameters, checking fact, asking support, creating clarity and receiving positive feedback.
  10. with my value of partnership, as a result shared compliment. By receiving a new surprise, being a happy bear, being happy about the result, communicating, sharing compliment, being grateful and appreciating their support & care.
  11. with my value of dare, as a result spoke up. By communicating, speaking up, being partner, sharing feedback, clarifying, disagreeing this situation, creating clarity and asking questions.  
  12. with my value of partnership, as a result made a call. By communicating, listening, asking questions, understanding the situation, sharing feedback, appreciating her feedback, sharing compliment, sending a request and making it work.
  13. with my value of care, as a result shared care routine. By communicating, sending message, sharing care routine, appreciating your love and saying hi.
  14. with my value of care, as a result asked support. By communicating, asking support, listening, understanding, appreciating his support, being partner and being a happy bear.
  15. with my value of love, as a result shared smiles. By being there, sharing smiles, having fun, appreciating your care, listening, having some laugh and thanks for being there with me. 
  16. with my value of insight:
    I always have the choices. I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen.

> Just My Thought <

At some point, I decide. I decide that this is where I am rooted. I make the decision to be happy, right where I am. I don’t let go of my dreams, but I let myself make new dreams. I expand my dreams. I decide that this is where I will bloom. 

I don’t wait for it all to be perfect. I construct the life that feels beautiful and wonderful and generative right where I am.  I get to decide that. I look around and pause to feel gratitude for what I have already created. 

I let in simple joys, easy pleasures. I take up a hobby. I stop forcing so much. I let go of control. I look at the raw materials of my life and I go, “I can make something extraordinary with this.” And I start to build, right from where I am planted. I don’t wait for it all to line up. I line it all up myself, brick by brick.


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